Monday, October 14, 2013


We have studied the numerous ways Satan tries to derail our faith; therefore we must be on the alert at all times.  Paul reminded the Ephesians that they had been given armor to withstand Satan.  Eph.6:11   Think of a soldier going into battle with a fake armor.  It looked like it would be able to protect but the soldier thought the real one might be too heavy.  The protection would be nil.  That is the way with our Christian armor.  It cannot be just a visible façade to please men.  It must be real to please our Lord and it must be from the heart.  Eph.6:6

The Lord is our strength.  Without Him, we can do nothing.  Jhn.15:5   Paul indicated this in Phil.4:13.  At the time of writing this, he was chained to two soldiers, one on either side of him.  He also well knew what the armor of a soldier was.  The Lord is the one who will lead us in our warfare against Satan.  Isa.42:13  

Isaiah speaks of the armor of God.  Isa.59:17   We must realize that this armor is very important for the Christian to overcome Satan in the battle he wages.  Paul mentions it in part in 1 Thess.5:8.  The full armor is expressed more completely in Eph.6.

We are to put on or “clothe ourselves” with this full armor as we read in Eph.6:11.  This is similar to the new self which Paul speaks of in Eph.4:24.  To live in this new self we need a full armor to throw off the former things of the world and keep Satan at bay so that we will not become embroiled in the former sins again and then take our stand against the devices of Satan.  Rom.13:14   We don’t supply a moral characteristic in place of an immoral one.  When we put on the Lord, we are changed and can fight the enemy.

A soldier is not a soldier on his own.  He has been enlisted as a soldier for somebody, some nation, or some cause.  Paul explained to Timothy that he was a soldier of Jesus.  2 Tim.2:3   We have to fight the good fight of faith.  1 Tim.6:12   This is not the kind of fight that men of the world pursue for in the preceding verse he gives instruction important in this fight.  1 Tim.6:11   This fight is against the devices that Satan uses against God and His will.  2 Cor.10:3-5   Satan wants control of our minds and hearts.

We do not have to shop for our armor.  We do not have to wonder what to get nor what kind nor even how much it might cost.  When we are in Christ, our armor is provided by God.  Eph.2:12   If we are not a child of God, we have to fight our battles alone.  Who could stand against the wiles of the devil forever?  However, as a child of God, God provides.  Even though Satan is roaming the earth (Job 1:7) and seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet.5:8), he still must ask permission from God to touch His child.  Job 1:12   Praise the Lord that we do have a hedge around us but it is up to us to stay within that hedge.  Job 1:10

We must be aware of copies of the master armor.  They are cheap and insufficient.  Check to be sure it glorifies God and defends us against the power of Satan.  The whole armor sufficiently covers every spot through which an evil dart could invade.  Satan may attempt to war against our flesh but find it is well defended so he makes tracks to destroy our mental judgment.  Isa.55:8   Our enemy is on every side that we tread.  2 Cor.6:7   We are navigating through many traps that Satan sets for us.  Heb.12:1   

God designed each part of the armor for a special purpose.  The heart cannot be covered with a helmet, etc.  If one part is left unarmored, then the life of the whole may be drained to death.  We know this is true with blood. 

The armor is not just for one battle and then we can take it off.  Our armor must be kept on our entire life on this earth.  Satan is always ready for us if we put our armor down.  Jesus gives a command in Lk.12:35.  We must always be ready.  God is always ready for us.  Ps.34:15      


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