Thursday, October 24, 2013



All of us want a life of victory.  Victory over what?  Sin!  Jesus said (Jhn.16:33) “I have overcome the world.”  The world is full of unrighteousness or sin.  Satan is called the ruler of the world.  Jhn.12:31   He is also called the prince of the power of the air.  Eph.2:2   Two statements from Scripture help us to realize the truth and meaning of the above Scriptures.  Job 1:7   Satan is roaming the earth!  Satan is also seeking whom he may devour.  1 Pet.5:8   When we sin, we are giving in to the devil or Satan.  1 Jhn.3:8   We need a life of victory to overcome sin.  As Christians we have been given to power to be overcomers.  1 Jhn.4:4

To be victorious over an enemy, we must recognize the enemy and know as much about them as we can.  Eph.6:12   Our enemy is not flesh and blood although he may act through a human.  We do not take this seriously.  Satan is all over the world.  He is roaming the earth and seeking whom he may devour.  He isn’t walking along the sidewalk.  If we take comfort in Heb.1:14 in that we have ministering spirits that watch over us and the gift of the Holy Spirit that comforts, guides, and teaches us.  Jhn.14:26; Jhn.17:20, surely we ought to be able to understand the spirit of wickedness that watches for an opportunity to make us fall into sin.

So we must stand firm against the schemes of the devil.  Eph.6:11   We do this by putting on the complete armor of God with the strength of His might.  Eph.6:10   Up to this point we have protected our loins with Truth so we will not collapse.  Truth wraps around our mind and spirit.  Truth is the first essential of our armor.

Then came our breastplate of righteousness to protect our heart.  Our spiritual heart is our spiritual life.  We purpose in our heart to do or not to do.  God knows our heart.  This is our inner self.  Satan wants to change the purpose of our heart but we must be instruments of righteousness rather than of unrighteousness.  Rom.6:13   What an encouragement when we read in 1 Thess.3:13 that God will establish our hearts without blame when Jesus returns.

The covering of the feet was very important to the soldier in Paul’s day so the next piece of armor is our spiritual shoe.  Eph.6:15   The foot must be well shod to go over whatever obstacles may come.  If our feet give us pain, we won’t go far and we definitely will slow down any progress we might make.  What the foot is to the body, the will is to the soul.  Our will must be prepared ahead of time to conquer our enemy, Satan.  Our will must be prepared to move ahead to perform what God has given us the ability to do.  Our will is behind our actions.  Our will is to follow the will of God.  Rom.12:2   We must be ready—our spiritual shoes ready to move in whatever direction God guides us.  Tit.3:1   By our actions, men may take notice and be won to Jesus.  We were created for good works and God had a reason.  Eph.2:10   This does not mean we are saved by our good works but that we are expected to do them.  Tit.3:4,5   We must make preparation to move.  God doesn’t need pew sitters.  2 Tim.2:21

The gospel is the good news with which our preparation is made.  1 Cor.2:12,13   We have Jesus!  Our testimony of Jesus needs to be given to those whose eyes are blinded.  2 Cor.4:,4   We have a responsibility as we shod our feet with spiritual shoes to spread the good news.  Isa.52:7; Rom.10:15   The message of Jesus saves.  1 Tim.1:15   Ring it forth!  

Our peace is not of this world.  We have peace with God through Jesus.  Col.3:15  Jesus gives us peace.  Jhn.14:27   Our peace comes by the blood of Jesus.  Col.1:20   It is important that we seek peace.  2 Tim.2:22   Jesus wants us to be at peace with one another.  Mk.9:50   It is difficult if not impossible for a person to grow spiritually if they live in conflict with others.  Some cause conflict with others by always having a better way to do things or “what they should have done.”  God alone knows hearts.  We have too much time on our hands so we use it to solve problems of other people rather than developing our own spiritual life.  God will take care of “them” in His own time and His own way.

We have now added to our armor the feet shod with the gospel of peace that we may move forward with good works and giving our testimony of Jesus with a life that lives in peace.  Feet provide action and mobility.  Let us not be satisfied to do nothing.  As the song says, “We’ll work till Jesus comes.”

With our loins girdled in Truth, our heart covered with breastplate of righteousness, and now our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, may our hearts and minds be guarded in peace with Jesus.  Phil.4:7






Oh that we could all live a life of victory over sin and Satan!  Such schemes Satan has against us!  It is important for us to remember that he appears as an angel of light.  2 Cor.11:14   If Satan appeared as some kind of ogre, we would probably have no temptation to follow him.  He knows that.  He knows how to disguise himself into something that looks good on the surface.  Because of this, we become deceived.

God also is aware of the schemes of Satan so He has provided an armor for us to be able to stand firm against these schemes.  Eph.6:11   The armor is provided but we are told to put it on.  This is our responsibility.  As Paul wrote to the Ephesians regarding this armor, he was well guarded by soldiers wearing an armor.  With this in mind, he related our spiritual armor in terms of the Roman armor.

So far we have seen the loins girded with Truth.  Without Truth, we will collapse.  Our spiritual loins are the loins of our mind and spirit.  1 Pet.1:13   As we think, so are we.  Prov.23:7   How important it is for us to gird our minds and keep them captive to the will of God.  2 Tim.2:26; 2 Cor.10:5 

Our heart is covered with the breastplate of righteousness.  Where is our love?  Our spiritual heart is our spiritual life.  We love God with our whole being and so we want to do what is right to please Him.  That shows our love.  This is what promotes our will—our want.  Our will comes from our inner self and develops our purpose which conforms with God’s purpose for us.  2 Cor.10:3   The idea of pleasing men is far from us as we want to do what is right to please God.  Eph.6:6

Our feet are shod with spiritual shoes to provide mobility as we move forward to serve (Eph.2:10) and further the spreading of the gospel which provide peace with God for those who are being saved.  Col.1:20   Our feet shod with spiritual shoes are important.  Isa.52:7

Eph.6:16   The above is not the end of our armor.  Paul says in addition to all of this, ( Some versions say above all) we need a spiritual shield.  Even with the girdle about the loins, the breastplate, and the shoes, a shield was of utmost importance to the soldier.  There were always small places that arrows could attack the body.  So it is with our spiritual armor.  As well as we might think we are protected, Satan knows those places in our life where he can make us fall if our spiritual shield is not in place.   Our shield is our faith.

There is a faith that is no more than consent.  The devils knew and admitted but never changed.  Jam.2:19   Some have a faith with excitement but it doesn’t last.  Matt.13:21   Then there is a faith that is so lasting and real that John gives the victory to him before the fight is over.  1 Jhn.2:13; 1Jhn.5:4   This is a faith that believes with all the heart.  Acts 8:37; Rom.10:10

We not only have to have a faith in Jesus but we must have a faith in the blood of Jesus that was for our forgiveness.  Rom.3:25   Faith is where we begin our road to salvation.  Our obedience is useless without faith.  Heb.5:8,9   But when we have faith, then our obedience becomes necessary to obtain our salvation.  It isn’t just a temporary faith even then.  Our faith and obedience must continue until death.  Rev.2:10

We cannot please God without faith.  Heb.11:6   The importance and outcome of our faith is so richly expressed in 1 Pet.1:7-9.  It is by faith we are declared righteous.  Rom.5:1   To be justified means to be declared righteous or right.  In this way through our faith we can have peace with God.  Rom.4:25; 1 Cor.6:11  

Our faith makes a difference in our prayers.  Jam.1:6,7; Mk.11:24   We need to come humbly before God in faith.  He has given many various gifts to us but the measure of faith is the baseline for His gifts.  Rom.12:3  

Faith is the shield which protects us against Satan in our new life.  May we live by that faith in Jesus.  Gal.2:20                       

Monday, October 14, 2013


Hasting Ladies’ Rally-2013
Marilyn Barber

Who would ever say that they have not sought God’s direction in life’s problems?  Probably no one who is a Christian.  We want to look at several aspects of this subject by going to God’s Word.
We are not here on earth because of our choosing.  God created us, loves us, and wants our fellowship but since we belong to Him, He wants our obedience and worship.  1 Jhn.3:1   If you grew up with a loving father, you understand love with discipline.  As a mother, love and discipline go hand in hand as well.  It stands to reason that God desires to help us and direct us.  Jhn.1:12

In the O.T. God spoke directly to godly men as He conveyed His desires for them.  We remember how Noah, Abraham, and many others followed God as He actually spoke to them.  We also want to note Jonah, Achan, and Ananias (N.T.) in their failure to follows God’s leading.  Moses spoke to the children of Israel in Ex.19:4,5.  Notice the “if” in verse 5.  God has showered us with blessings innumerable.  Our obedience to Him is crucial.  How much do we hunger and thirst for righteousness?  Has my choice already been made and we are seeking God’s approval or does God’s approval come first.   Blessings or dire repercussions follow our choices.  God is in control.

As we study God’s direction, it is important that we realize that there is a continuum.  At one end some decisions are non-moral.  It does not matter if I choose to wear red or black today.  As this continuum moves to the left, the choices become more complicated and morality is involved.  Which job do I take?  A young person chooses one college over another.  How do I spend my time and money?  With which congregation do I fellowship?  Who do I marry?  Some of the choices today are extremely involved with morality—abortion and lesbian involvement as two examples.

God did not leave us without instructions.  Every decision must be made in the light of God’s Word.  Ps.119:105   Everything we need is found here.  2 Tim.3:16,17   God’s Word is powerful.  Heb.4:12   Jesus is the way through the Scriptures.  Jhn.14:6   Don’t just read—study.      

As Christians we many times fail to use the power of the Holy Spirit with which we’ve been gifted when we were baptized.  (Acts 2:38)  Too often we know the fact by rote but we don’t recognize the power that we have.  1 Jhn.4:4   We can pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit within us to be used for His glory.  Lk.11:13   We can expect to receive nudges in our choices.

So far we have God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.  How seriously and consistently do we pray for God’s direction with the decisions we face?  Think of your parent.  How often did you ask?  God knows what we need and what our choice should be.  Our prayers indicate our trust and dependence on Him.  God talks to us through His Word but we talk to Him through our prayers.  A good relationship needs communication.  Prayer is a big part of our decisions.

We are part of an “instant” society.  We know what we want and we want it now!  God doesn’t work on our time.  Ps.31:15   Big decisions take time.  Ps.27:14   Waiting on the Lord may test our trust in Him.  It takes time to study, pray, consult Christian counseling, meditate, then consider.

Jam.1:5,6   Wisdom is our great need as we make decisions.  Don’t we all lack that?  If we ask for it, God will give it to us if we ask in faith without doubting.  At the end of the incident with the fig tree, Jesus also gave the same instruction.  Matt.21:22   Jesus living within us with His words is also important in receiving answers.  Jhn.15:7   Obedience is crucial to our receiving that for which we ask.  1 Jhn.3:22

Sometimes we ask for God’s direction but in reality we know what we want and do not really expect to follow God’s direction.  We may be hoping that God directs us in the way we want to go.  James addresses this problem in Jam.4:15.  Self gets in the way of God’s direction.  Jer.10:23   We may pray, but instead of waiting for God’s answer, we go ahead with our own answer.  Matt.26:41   Jesus asks us an important question in Lk.6:46.

It would be well to ponder a few questions as we seek God’s direction.  Will this bring glory to me or to God?  1 Cor.10:31   Is this decision something for which I can thank God?  1 Thess.5:18
After studying the Scripture and praying, would this be something that my Lord would say that I “am doing right.”  1 Pet.2:15   If doubt exists—don’t!  Rom.14:23   Does this decision show that my life is set apart (sanctified) for my Lord?  1 Thess.4:3   By this decision, is my life proving the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God?  Rom.12:2   Could I be causing someone to stumble by this decision?  1 Cor.8:13   Am I glorifying God with my body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit?  1 Cor.6:19,20   Does my life show godly contentment or am I constantly desiring more?  1 Tim.6:6   Is this a gift I am to use to glorify God?  1 Pet.4:10

We may know all of the answers, but where is our willingness?  Phil.2:13   The Word of God assures us of His willingness to help us and direct us.  Ps.25:9,12  We must be willing as well.  Jhn.7:17,18    Humility is important to follow.  We must acknowledge our Lord and He will make our paths straight.  Prov.3:6   David enjoins us with wise words in Ps.143:10   How we need the counsel of our Lord!  Ps.32:8; Prov.3:5

God will be with us.  Matt.28:20

The quality of our sincerity and desire to find God’s direction will be found in our hearts as we follow these Scriptures:

Set you minds on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.  Col.3:2

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  Matt.6:33

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.  Col.3:17

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.  Col.3:23

Remember where we started.  We belong to the Lord so—making the most of your time, because the days are evil.  So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  Eph.5:16 




The extreme importance of a Christian putting on the armor provided by our Lord and keeping it on for our entire life has been noted through Scripture.  We now need to know what this armor is in order to put it on.  The purpose of this armor is evident from Eph.6:11.  We are told to be strong in the strength, not of ourselves, but in the strength of the Lord.  Eph.6:10   Why is this strength so important?  What is this battle?  It is explained in Eph.6:12.  This isn’t some fairy tale or some Halloween story.  This is as real as real can get.  We are surrounded by Satan and his schemes so we must stay strong in the Lord’s might and the armor He gives us.

Truth is the first part of our armor.  Eph.6:14   The loins are the girdle of our mind and spirit.  1 Pet.1:13   The loins are the part of the body between the spine and the hip bone.  Our whole body depends on the loins to hold us up.  In speaking of Levi’s enemies, the shattering of the loins that they might not rise again in mentioned in Deut.33:11.  Our mind or thinking must be based on what is true or we will collapse. 

Jesus explained truth in Jhn. 18:37.  Upon hearing this explanation, Pilate asks the question, “What is truth?”  (vs. 38)  God is true.  1 Thess.1:9   God’s Word (Bible) is true.  Jhn.17:17; 2 Tim.3:16   Jesus is truth.  Jhn.14:6   Jesus was explaining to his disciples and said that those who believe in Him would know truth and be made free. (of sin)  Jhn.8:31,32   The Holy Spirit is called “the Spirit of truth.”  Jhn.14:17  

Our spiritual life will collapse if we believe false doctrine.  Gal.1:8; Eph.4:14,15; 2 Pet.2:1-3   A false teacher may be friendly, a good speaker, and very likeable but that does not make him right.  He may have been taught wrong.  Acts 5:29   If our loins are girded with truth, we will follow Scripture and not man’s idea.  We need to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11.  Man’s teaching must follow the Truth.

The breastplate of righteousness is the next part of our armor. (v.14)  If a person is stabbed in the arm, he will probably survive; but if he is stabbed in the heart, survival is near to impossible.  Our spiritual heart is our life.  Our heart involves a whole range of activities that go one in the inner self.  We become the person that our heart thinks upon.  Prov.23:7   Our decisions are made in our heart.  2 Cor.9:7   Although this is speaking of giving, the same is true with other decisions.  We purpose in our hearts to do or not to do. 

Job asks a question in Job 9:2.  We become righteous through our belief in Jesus.  Rom.3:22   A sincere belief follows with obedience.  Abraham was considered righteous—he obeyed.  We offer ourselves as instruments of righteousness.  Rom.6:13   As a child of God we must practice righteousness.  1 Jhn.3:7   To finally receive the righteousness of Jesus is the hope of a Christian.  Gal.5:5

The Lord knows our hearts.  Lk.9:47   God examines our hearts.  1 Thess.2:4   God knows whether we are performing a task for our own glory or for His glory.  God searches our hearts.  Rom.8:27   What a blessing to know we have the Holy Spirit to intercede for us.  In the letter to the church in Thyatira, God says He will search their hearts and minds and reward their deeds accordingly.  Rev.2:23   The Lord will establish our hearts in holiness and without blame.  What a blessing to be a child of God.  1 Thess.3:13   We have such a tendency to think we can examine the heart of a brother.  No, God will do that in His time.  He, alone, can examine our motives and then the praise that is due will come from Him.  1 Cor.4:5

God works in our hearts.  He opened Lydia’s heart.  Acts 16:14   The Lord gives us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a seal and pledge.  2 Cor.1:22; Gal.4:6   Christ must be set aside (sanctified) as the Lord of our hearts.  1 Pet.3:15   To be a Lord means that we let Him be the master of our heart. 

Righteousness is the covering that we need over our heart.  This means life or death of our spiritual live.  We must take heed that our hearts are not hardened.  Heb.3:12,13   We need never think that we alone can be righteous.  We take on the righteousness of Jesus as He takes on our sin.  2 Cor.5:21



We have studied the numerous ways Satan tries to derail our faith; therefore we must be on the alert at all times.  Paul reminded the Ephesians that they had been given armor to withstand Satan.  Eph.6:11   Think of a soldier going into battle with a fake armor.  It looked like it would be able to protect but the soldier thought the real one might be too heavy.  The protection would be nil.  That is the way with our Christian armor.  It cannot be just a visible façade to please men.  It must be real to please our Lord and it must be from the heart.  Eph.6:6

The Lord is our strength.  Without Him, we can do nothing.  Jhn.15:5   Paul indicated this in Phil.4:13.  At the time of writing this, he was chained to two soldiers, one on either side of him.  He also well knew what the armor of a soldier was.  The Lord is the one who will lead us in our warfare against Satan.  Isa.42:13  

Isaiah speaks of the armor of God.  Isa.59:17   We must realize that this armor is very important for the Christian to overcome Satan in the battle he wages.  Paul mentions it in part in 1 Thess.5:8.  The full armor is expressed more completely in Eph.6.

We are to put on or “clothe ourselves” with this full armor as we read in Eph.6:11.  This is similar to the new self which Paul speaks of in Eph.4:24.  To live in this new self we need a full armor to throw off the former things of the world and keep Satan at bay so that we will not become embroiled in the former sins again and then take our stand against the devices of Satan.  Rom.13:14   We don’t supply a moral characteristic in place of an immoral one.  When we put on the Lord, we are changed and can fight the enemy.

A soldier is not a soldier on his own.  He has been enlisted as a soldier for somebody, some nation, or some cause.  Paul explained to Timothy that he was a soldier of Jesus.  2 Tim.2:3   We have to fight the good fight of faith.  1 Tim.6:12   This is not the kind of fight that men of the world pursue for in the preceding verse he gives instruction important in this fight.  1 Tim.6:11   This fight is against the devices that Satan uses against God and His will.  2 Cor.10:3-5   Satan wants control of our minds and hearts.

We do not have to shop for our armor.  We do not have to wonder what to get nor what kind nor even how much it might cost.  When we are in Christ, our armor is provided by God.  Eph.2:12   If we are not a child of God, we have to fight our battles alone.  Who could stand against the wiles of the devil forever?  However, as a child of God, God provides.  Even though Satan is roaming the earth (Job 1:7) and seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet.5:8), he still must ask permission from God to touch His child.  Job 1:12   Praise the Lord that we do have a hedge around us but it is up to us to stay within that hedge.  Job 1:10

We must be aware of copies of the master armor.  They are cheap and insufficient.  Check to be sure it glorifies God and defends us against the power of Satan.  The whole armor sufficiently covers every spot through which an evil dart could invade.  Satan may attempt to war against our flesh but find it is well defended so he makes tracks to destroy our mental judgment.  Isa.55:8   Our enemy is on every side that we tread.  2 Cor.6:7   We are navigating through many traps that Satan sets for us.  Heb.12:1   

God designed each part of the armor for a special purpose.  The heart cannot be covered with a helmet, etc.  If one part is left unarmored, then the life of the whole may be drained to death.  We know this is true with blood. 

The armor is not just for one battle and then we can take it off.  Our armor must be kept on our entire life on this earth.  Satan is always ready for us if we put our armor down.  Jesus gives a command in Lk.12:35.  We must always be ready.  God is always ready for us.  Ps.34:15