Friday, August 23, 2013


Are you free in Christ, or are you bound in the chains of resentment against the hurts of a situation or against another human being?  At first you may answer in the negative.  Look deep inside, for this kind of “cancer” is eating out the heart of many a person and becoming a weight to Christian growth and chaining that person to unhappiness and discontentment.
When young, we dream of our mate, our home, our children, our career.  Our dreams become goals, but very often the reality works out so differently from those dreams.  Facing this reality and handling the problems that go along with reality can either become a stumbling block or a stepping stone in the life of a Christian.  As a Christian the realization begins to grow that these goal are earthy – not wrong – but not spiritual.  If we rely on Jesus for the goal He set for us in Matt.6:33, the lack of achievement in these realms will be lessened.  
Sometimes our Christian life is bogged down by a hurt that we feel someone intended to inflict upon us.  We may either accept or reject
it.  Nothing can hurt us unless we allow it to do so, for it is not the words said but the way we think and feel about it that hurts us.  We are free to refuse to be hurt by a spiteful or malicious word or act.  “Least said, soonest mended” is a good saying to remember.  Use Jam.1:3 as a stepping stone.  Get over it!
The best antidote for resentment is gratitude.  Giving cancels out such bad feelings.  Courtesy, warmth, and kindness shown and sown will eventually reap the same from whom the hurt has come.  If not, we at least can have a clear conscience before the Lord.  We must be sure our own conversation is worthy of the gospel.  Phil.1:27
At times we are all confronted with tasks or problems which seem more than we can bear.  As Christians we may claim the most wonderful promises from our God.  Ps.37:5   Are we using these problems as stepping stones, or are we taking all of yesterday’s problems to pile on today’s and then worrying about tomorrow as well.  Matt.6:34   We can take the many good things of which we cannot be blind, and then praise the Lord for them.  We take the problems of this day or even of this hour and tackle it with the help of God and do the very best we can.  With faith and trust we do not let ourselves be overwhelmed with all of the burdens we can remember.  Take one day at a time or even one hour at a time with God’s help and step forward.
Trusting in God will relieve us of many burdens we cannot handle nor solve.  If we will completely surrender to God’s will, it will cost us our self-will which really leads us into problems anyway.  2 Pet.1:6; Gal.5:23   This will give us a new release from many burdens that lead us into emotional turmoil.  We sometimes want to run away, but we always have to take ourselves with us.
Part of our problem in letting go and detaching ourselves from a problem is learning what we can manage.  Some things we can change; some things we cannot change.  Eph.5:21 tells us to submit to one another.  We cannot manipulate another person.  Each problem must be considered in the light of “Can I change it or not?”  If so, then accept the challenge if it be within the Lord’s will and do our best with His help.  If not, then detach ourselves from the problem.  This does not mean it will go away.  It simply means we are using it as a stepping stone.  It is an unmanageable for us.  However, we can always pray   Matt.5:44.
Never assume that the other person is the only problem.  It is so easy to justify our own thoughts and actions.  Matt.5:29,30   Our pride gets hurt, and we bite back.  Gal.5:15   Then in our minds we tell ourselves we had real reason and the “right” to do so.  We must know ourselves.  Jam.5:9   Take inventory of your own character, motives, attitudes, and actions without any justification.  Be honest with yourself, for God sees us the way things really are.  Heb.4:13   Then as we find wrongs we have committed, make amends.  Jam.5:16   It may not be accepted or returned.  This unmanageable and out of our control.  But we have done what we should and could.  Through it all, self-pity or martyrdom will completely nullify any good we may have done. 
We must remain humble before the Lord, for we know we sin and constantly need His forgiveness, and we constantly should be willing to forgive others.  Matt.6:15
In summary, whatever our problem, whether it be a person or a situation, the effect on us is whatever we choose it to be.  We can let the problem overwhelm us and become our stumbling block that weighs down our Christian life and constricts our spirit and service plus controlling our very being, or we can use the problem as a stepping stone to greater faith and trust in allowing God to handle our problems, detaching ourselves from hostilities and resentments and letting go of them, living just for today with joy and to the best of our ability in the Lord, and living with serenity and allowing the peace of God to rule our spirits.  Col.3:15   Serenity in the Lord helps cushion whatever happens on the outside of us.  True peace of mind depends on the condition inside, not outside.  Hostilities on the outside do not demand hostilities on the inside.  Will the problems in our lives be stumbling blocks or stepping stones?

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