Are we actually walking or are we just sitting still? In 1877 J.H. Sammis wrote these words:
When we walk with the Lord
In the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
This idea sums up our series—Walking With Jesus. What a glory we experience when we do the will of our Lord in the light of His Word. As we obey our Master, we can trust that He will ever abide with us through good times and difficult times. Jhn.15:7,10 Too often problematic times come and people turn away from the Lord. It is like the time many disciples were turning away from Jesus and He turned and asked the twelve if they would go away as well. Peter had an answer that we always want to remember. Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Jhn.6:66-68
Many times a person is anxious to become a Christian in the “light of His Word”. Then after a time, they fall back.. We may have obeyed as the Scripture teaches to become a Christian but that is only the beginning of the “course”. It is not the end. Phil.3:12,14 Paul realized this as he “pressed on”. This is what we must be doing, not just for awhile or ever so often. We press on until we obtain that home in heaven as promised to those who are faithful to the end. Matt.24:12,13
A person who joined the armed forces had a choice as to whether he would join or not. Then when he joined, he had to commit to follow orders. He lost many of his freedoms. He was told where he would live, what hours he would keep, where he would go. As a Christian we have made our choice. We have joined a spiritual army. We walk with our commanding officer—Jesus. Jhn.18:36 We have weapons of warfare but they are not of this world. 2 Cor.10:3-5 As Paul admonishes Timothy, so we need to take that same message to heart. 1 Tim.6:12 It lasts as long as we are on earth and then we are awarded an eternity with our Lord.
Prov.3:6 As we recognize God as Truth, He will make our paths straight. If we walk in sin (darkness) we will not be able to see that path. Jesus lights the way for us. Jhn.8:12 Satan knows how to cast shadows and darken our way. Sin is like quick sand. It is hard to get out of it. “Just once more” becomes the plea of one in sin. What we say and what we do is sometimes a different thing. We may say we are walking with Jesus and we may even think we are. 2 Jhn.6 Love and following His commandments is the path in which we need to walk. There are those that say they believe in God and yet never worship or pay any attention to His words of Truth. We cannot expect to be walking with Jesus without truly following in His steps. 1 Jhn.2:6 God gave the Israelites instructions. Walking with Jesus should be the same. Lev.26:3,4
How we walk affects others. John wrote his third letter very late in life. He had great joy as other brothers came to tell him of the way these Christians were walking in truth. He considered them his children in the faith. 3 Jhn.3,4 More than pleasing men, it is very pleasing to God and we are to excel more and more. Don’t stop! 1 Thess.4:1
Whether you think so or not, someone is following you. Your example, your walk, is being watched. Paul recognized this as he wrote to the Corinthians. 1 Cor.10:31,32 Paul follows with the exhortation to follow him as he follows Christ. 1Cor.11:1 Paul was not wanting Christians to follow him but to follow him as he followed in the pattern that Christ gave. Phil.3:17
No doubt you have heard the saying, “The only sermon many will hear is the one you live.” People should be able to see a difference in our lives. Timothy may have been young but Paul told him to be an example in speech, life, love, faith, and purity. 1 Tim.4:12 Should we do less? Christ set the ultimate example for us and we are to follow in His steps. 1 Pet.2:21
2 Thess.2:13,14 We were called by the gospel because we believed and then acted in obedience to be sanctified or saved through Christ and the work of His Spirit. Now Paul implores us to walk in a manner worthy of that calling. Eph.4:1 We are told that our calling is a holy calling and that He has a purpose for us. 2 Tim.1:9 We also have that grace or favor which we don’t deserve and can’t earn that is granted us in Jesus.
Solomon stretched his arms before the heavens in front of the congregation and stated that there is no God like You and You provide help for those who walk before You with all their heart. 1 Kgs.8:23 He then spoke to the people to be wholly devoted and walk in His statutes and keep His commandments. 1 Kgs.8:61 This is an example for us today.
We might be calling out, “How can I accomplish this”. We don’t walk the walk with Jesus without His help. 2 Pet.1:3 The power of Jesus will help us through all the obstacles that we may meet – if – we remain in Him. Eph.1:19 Our weaknesses simply show His strength. He is all that we need. 2 Cor.12:9
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