Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Before we look at Proverbs, let us consider the meaning of “heart” in the Scriptures.  It certainly is not the organ that pumps blood and keeps us alive; and yet, our “heart” can keep us spiritually alive.  Heart denotes the activities in the inner most self.  It involves the emotions, desires, thoughts, and decisions.  It can be divided for we are told to love God with ALL our heart, not just a part of it.  Prov.3:5   Hopefully, we are familiar with Deut.6:5.   This is quoted by Jesus in Lk.10:27 and other gospels so it still stands today. 

Proverbs says a lot about our heart.  An evil heart is contrasted with a good heart throughout Proverbs.  Prov.10:20   The contrast here is between something of great worth (a choice piece of silver) and an evil heart.  This kind of a heart is worth little.  Prov.11:20 tells us that the perverse heart (the heart which stubbornly and deliberately goes against God’s commands) is an abomination to God.  Our purpose in life is to please Him and not to be detestable and loathsome to the One who gives us life.  A perverse heart will not prosper.  Prov.17:20

The King James version speaks of a perverse heart being despised, not only of God but in general.  Prov.12:8   The deceitful heart (a heart that is dishonest and conceals the truth) is one that will devise or invent evil.  Prov.12:20   A person may seem to be righteous on the outside but Prov.26:23 describes him as a common earthen vessel that is covered with silver.  He has the appearance of good but inside is wicked.  This glaze of goodness is sometimes evident in words.  A person speaks with words like honey but in his heart he is thinking evil.  Prov.26:24,25

Many times in Proverbs the wicked are termed as fools or described as foolish.  Perhaps it would be well to determine the meaning of “fool” before delving into the Proverbs that concern this term.  In Hebrew a fool is one who is shameless and hates knowledge.  Prov.1:22   He takes no pleasure in understanding.  Prov.18:2   He loves to do mischief.  Prov.10:23   He shows no honor and receives no honor.  Prov.3:35   If he troubles his own house, he will become a servant to the wise of heart.  Prov.11:29

A fool blurts out whatever he thinks at the time.  A prudent or wise man holds back what he knows and considers whether what he thinks should be spoken and when.  Prov.12:23   The wise man will give knowledge but the fool does not care for  knowledge.  Prov.15:7   Neither does he care for understanding.  He just wants to give his own opinion.  Prov.18:2; Prov.15:28   We need wisdom to instruct our words.  Prov.16:23; Prov.16:1

How much better it is for wisdom to enter our heart.  Prov.2:10   It is not an automatic undertaking.  Prov.2:2 gives two action words to which we must give our attention.  These are—apply and turning our ear.  It is important to listen, learn, and then apply these things to our heart.  Prov.3:1   It is important to know the commandments of the Lord or how can we apply them to our heart?  Prov.4:4   We are exhorted to keep them in the middle of our heart.  Prov.4:20,21   With God’s words in our heart, we must watch over our heart with diligence that we don’t loose them.  Prov.4:23   How?  Prov.6:21   Prov.7:2,3   Our heart needs a tablet where we list God’s will for us.
The heart of the person who has understanding will obtain wisdom.  Prov.14:33   A plea goes out to fools and those of simple minds.  Prov.8:5   Rather than receiving the word, fools babble on while the wise will listen and receive commands.  Prov.10:8; Prov.15:14   We need to be careful as to what our hearts feed on. 

Even with knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, a person is warned against some tendencies that make a person fall.  One of these is anxiety.  Prov.12:25   Perhaps we have experienced how this weighs on a person.  Prov.15:13,15   There may even be bitterness in our heart.  Prov.14:10   As much as we need to help someone with this problem, it is difficult when we have not gone through it.  There is a time to show joy and a time to not show joy but rather compassion.  Prov.14:13; Prov.25:20

How we hope for something and when it is postponed, what a let-down is experienced.  Prov.13:12   Then it finally comes to pass, it is like a tree of life.  We need to keep a tranquil heart and not let passion run away with itself.  Prov.14:30  

Prov.24:12   The Lord knows our heart.  Prov.15:11   He even tests our hearts.  Prov.17:3   Even when we think we are right, the Lord is weighing or examining our heart.  Prov.21:2   We are told to apply our heart to discipline.  Prov.23:12   How often do we really discipline our heart?  What does this mean?  Where are our thoughts?  If they are not where they should be, then we should get our minds back to godly thoughts.  Envious thoughts, busybody thoughts into other’s business, gossip, thoughts of entertainment that contains sin—all of these need discipline.  Phil.4:8   We need to use discipline on ourselves.  Prov.20:9   Sometimes our minds are not focused on what God wants us to do or be.  We allow our minds to wander wherever they will go.  God knows this and is examining our heart or mind. 

The importance is what is in the heart and not what we speaks.  We may sound very gracious in words, but our heart may not be thinking in a gracious way.  The real “you” is what you are thinking in your heart.  To others your thoughts may not be perceptible, but God knows and weighs or examines.  Our thoughts make us.  May they be godly in every way.  Prov.23:7

Saturday, February 25, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: His Princess, Letters from God (Devotional)

HIS PRINCESS by Sheri Rose Shepherd is a unique devotional book.  The sub-title is “Love Letters from Your King”.  In the introduction Shepherd states the fact that early in her life she had made many poor choices for she did not know God’s plan, purpose, and power.  She became a new creature in Christ and wants other women to know that  we can live beyond our pain and our past, our fears and failures, and become…His princesses.

Since we are children of God, we are princesses of a King.  Each devotion is written as a letter from God based on a Scripture from His Word.  They are written in a very personal way.  A friend of mine read a few of them and said, “She is writing right to me”.  Each one is very direct in nature and causes one to wonder why that was not apparent in that Scripture as I read it.

Many subjects are covered.  Some ideas brought forth are:  fitting in is not as important as causing others to think of the Lord; modesty verses the style of the world; choices are ours but we need to make the right ones; your time is valuable; the Lord is always there so come to Him, the Lord will open your spiritual eyes; your words reflect who you are and many, many more topics. 

Shepherd stresses the fact that just reading about God’s will is not the road to eternity but changing our lives and doing God’s will is what is important.  Her devotions will bring the vision of what God sees in us to bring about that change.  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnoma Publishing Group for this review.

Friday, February 17, 2012

G-WISDOM OF PROVERBS-Warnings, Rewards-7


Proverbs is so full of good advice.  It is impossible to cover it all.  Some important warnings have been chosen for this lesson.  Along with these warnings come some very encouraging rewards if we follow God’s way.  At times the two are in the same verse as a contrast.

Pride and arrogance has always been a problematic sin in the history of mankind.  The need “to be right” prevails in the mind of man..  Prov.14:12   Several times in Proverbs a verse is repeated, probably for emphasis.  In Prov.16:25 this proverb is repeated.  Not only is this true in religious life but in our material, everyday life.  We think we know and then we proceed to act without proper consideration.  Prov.16:2

Another warning about pride is given in Prov.16:18.   Would you choose a haughty person for a best friend?  Not likely.  Too many times they have no time for anyone but themselves.  Writers in the  N.T. recognize this character trait as a negative one.  In the “love” chapter several phrases are used in different versions as to this characteristic not being a trait of love.  1 Cor.13:4   Love does not brag, is not arrogant. NASB   Love does not boast; is not proud.  NIV   Love does not parade itself; is not puffed up.  NKJV   All of these terms would be worthy of study in a more focused lesson on pride.

Paul warns Christians to not be wise in your own estimation.  Rom.12:16   If we are truly humble, we will consider others better than yourselves.  Phil.2:3   This would certainly be a plus factor in making group decisions.  “I think this would be best and these are the reasons why; but your way might be better with the reasons you present.”  How we need to work together to be one in Christ.  Prov.16:9  We may have plans as we consider those of one another, but prayer comes first as we let the Lord direct out steps.  Prov.21:2; Prov.17:14   Strife does not bring happiness.  Prov.17:1

Prov.25:6,7 gives a warning similar to a parable that Jesus taught in Lk.14:10,11.  We make assumptions at times and go to the top.  How much better it would be to be invited to the top rather than suffer the insult to be removed and sent to the lower place.

Giving is rewarded by the Lord.  We are to honor the Lord with the first of all.  We don’t honor God when He gets what is left over—if anything is left over.  Prov.3:9,10   We do this because we love the Lord and want to give Him honor, but as we do so, we are rewarded far beyond what we give.  We are filled with plenty and overflowing.    This goes along with Mal.3:10.  We receive as we give.  Prov.11:25  

It would be well to take the warning in Prov.28:13 to heart.  We may think we are concealing our sins but God knows (Prov.15:3) and we know.  Unless our heart is hardened because of the deceitfulness of sin (Heb.3:13), our spirit is burdened with this knowledge even though we think we are hiding it.  What joy when that burden is lifted as we confess and forsake that sin.  We can then enjoy the forgiveness, compassion, mercy, and grace that is afforded by our Lord.  Prov.29:6
Warnings of the Lord are very important for us to know and understand.  A list of seven is given in Prov.6:16-19 We have dealt with haughty eyes or pride.  Lying, murder, evil plans, efforts to do evil, and false witness (lies) are familiar and repulsive to us.  How much do we think of the seventh—one who spreads strife among brothers.  The Lord hates this.  Strife is listed in a list of sins that are worthy of death.  Rom.1:29,32   This would destroy the unity of the body of Christ, the church.

The Word of God is our best counsel.  Prov.30:5,6   If we have our trust in God, we will also trust His Word.  Prov.16:20; Prov.13:13   There are times that we need counseling if it comes from the Word of God.  Prov.15:22   Even with prayer and study, at times our minds are closed to see what God’s will for us would be.  Others may be able to see what we cannot see for ourselves.  Prov.19:20   Others may be able to help us follow the counsel of the Lord for this is the counsel that stands.  Prov.19:21

Some of the greatest rewards shown to us in Proverbs come from righteousness.  God hearing our prayers is one of these.  Prov.15:29   The righteous can run to God for safety.  Prov.18:10   God rewards the righteous with life and honor.  Prov.21:21   One of our purposes in life is to please God.  He has greater pleasure in our righteousness and justice than any sacrifice we might make.  Prov.21:3  The righteous have no need to flee.  They can be bold as a lion.  Prov.28:1

Joy comes to the righteous and obedient.  Prov.29:18   Gladness is in the heart of those with hope.  Prov.10:28   A joyful heart brings better health.  Prov.17:22   Joy is contagious.  Prov.15:30   A good word lifts a heavy heart.  Prov.12:25   The countenance bursts forth with joy.  It is visible.  Prov.15:13

The righteous bear fruit.  Prov.11:30   Not only does the righteous win souls but he is a guide and an example to his neighbor.  Prov.12:26   A person’s righteousness gives him a good name.  Prov.22:1   He is guarded by righteousness.  Prov.13:6   He fears the Lord.   Prov.14:2

Proverbs sums up righteousness in Prov.3:5-7.  May we grow in righteousness because righteousness exalts a nation.  Prov.14:34

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WISDOM OF PROVERBS - Prohibitions - 6


Righteousness demands obedience as we pursue it.  Deut.6:25   If we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we need to have knowledge of God’s commandments and hence, the prohibitions that are contained in His Word for us to follow.  Prohibitions about our speech have already been covered.  Proverbs contains many prohibitions about sexual relations outside of marriage as well as those regarding strong drink.  Hopefully and prayerfully we as Christians have grown above these types of prohibitions although the temptation is present and unfortunately some within the church do fall.

Many prohibitions are given regarding sinners.  Satan uses people to bring temptation upon us.  “Just say,’No’.”  This is wise advice in many instances.  Prov.1:10  We cannot wait until the temptation comes to decide whose side we are on.  1 Pet.5:9   “Consent not.”  “Resist”  These are strong words but we must know where we stand.  Know with Mary, Jesus’ mother, “I am the Lord’s servant.”  Lk.1:38   This reminds one of the song, “I Belong to Jesus”.  We need to make sure that we do.

We live in the world but not of the world.  Jhn.17:15,16   We do not walk out in the path of a car because we do not want to be hit but do we walk in the path of a sinner?  Jesus prayed that we be kept from the evil one but when we walk with them, we are in danger of being “hit” with temptation and then falling.  Prov.1:15   We need to heed the advice given in Prov.4:14,15   Avoid it.  Pass by it.  Turn away from it.  Pass on.  The way to approach sin is—don’t approach it!

Many times we look at those of the world and see their popularity or success.  Maybe they have new cars and big homes.  We do not understand what is behind the scene.  Too often these things cover the lack of happiness and hope.  Proverbs tells us not to envy them.  Prov.23:17   Our happiness and our hope is far-reaching.  Prov.24:19   Sometimes we become desirous to be seen with the popular, successful or wealthy.  It inflates our ego.  Prov.24:1   These types of things are not what a Christian loves.  1 Jhn.2:15

Our associations, our friends, are very important to our faithfulness.  It has been said that two people that have been married a long time begin to look alike.  Their thoughts follow the same line and one is able to finish the sentence of the other.  This is the influence that our associations can have on us.  Prov.24:21   We are to be steadfast and rooted.  Col.2:7   As we grow, we change but we become more like our Master.  That is not the way of the world.  At times we never know what an association is going to be like the next time.

We are warned against a person prone to anger.  Prov.22:24   A slanderer is also warned against.  Prov.20:19   Another bad association would be a man of violence.  Prov.3:31   We are to be peacemakers.  If we have the wrong associations, we can be drawn into the pit of sin right along with them.  It is better to stay away than to have to dig ourselves out of an ungodly situation.  1 Cor.15:33; 2 Cor.6:14,15   A true friend in Christ is a jewel.  Prov.17:17; Prov.27:10

Our neighbors are important to us.  Let us be important to them.  Prov.3:29   In the familiarity and closeness of a neighbor, it can become easy to be contentious.  Prov.25:17   We can wear out our welcome.  Prov.25:8   In familiarity it becomes easy to talk too much.  Prov.25:9,10   Revealing secrets becomes a blight on our character.  Prov.11:13

Another prohibition throughout Proverbs also holds true in instruction for a Christian.  That is one dealing with generosity.  Prov.3:27,28   Eyes of understanding and sympathy can close when it means that we must give up our goods, whether financial or otherwise.  James has a very similar exhortation.  Jam.2:15,16   Blessings come with giving.  Prov.11:24   “The Magic Penny” is a child’s song with the idea that if you hold on tight, you will loose it; but if you give the penny away, you’ll end up having more.  That’s God’s way.  We don’t give to just our friends and neighbors.  We even give to our enemies.  Prov.25:21,22   This Scripture is quoted in Rom.12:20

Lastly, the prohibition that should be close to our heart is that of remembering and following the teaching of the Lord.  Prov.4:20,21   It is important to hear, pay attention, and lay hold of these teachings; however, they must be in our heart.  Prov.3:1   Sometimes we think the Word is deeply implanted in our heart but we abandon what we have learned.  Prov.4:2   The same exhortation is given in 1 Cor.10:12   May we never get too sure of ourselves.  Prov.4:5,6