Friday, November 18, 2011



In looking at the next two qualities of the Spirit, some confusion exists, for at the first appearance, they seem much the same.  These two are kindness and goodness.  Because of being side by side in a list and having two different Greek words, a difference has to exist even though in the definition of both, the other is used.

God is a kind God.  Isa.54:8   David wanted to show the kindness of God to someone that was left in the house of Saul.  2 Sam.9:3   David took Jonathan’s crippled son to live and eat at the king’s table as long as he should live.  A quality of kindness is followed by action.  2 Sam.2:6   God showed kindness to Joseph even though he was in prison.  Gen.39:21   God revealed His kindness to those in slavery by allowing the Israelites to return from Babylon to rebuild the house of God.  Ezra 9:9   There is no doubt that we have a kind God.

God is kind to us but it is up to us to continue in His kindness.  Rom.11:22   God’s kindness is shown through Christ as He gives us the riches of His grace.  Eph.2:7   We are saved by the kindness of God through Christ.  Titus 3:4,5   The new clothes we put on as Christians include kindness.  Col.3:12

In turn, we as Christians must follow suit and show kindness to others.  A glance at various versions may help our understanding.  King James uses the word, “gentleness”.  Brotherly kindness is used in 2 Pet.1:7.  Kindhearted is another term often used.  Kindness is a quality that is shown outwardly.  Love was the first quality discussed and to be sincerely kind requires love; thus, lovingkindness is used.

A criteria by which we may judge ourselves:  How do we leave another person feeling after our encounter with them?  Friendliness is an important part of kindness.  A kind person leaves another with the feeling that they are wanted.  This does away with “cliques” within a group of people whether it is in a congregation, study group, or group of any kind.  Christians show kindness in a way that does not exclude any.  Jesus had His own special group but He went among those of the world to show kindness and win their souls.  We must be kind to all.  2 Tim.2:24

Gentleness was a word used for kindness.  What a difference this quality makes in a family or a congregation.  Gentleness is necessary for a spirit of unity.  Gal.5:15   How tragic when Christians show this attitude!  A gentle nature does not show weakness.  Jesus was gentle but not weak.  Matt.11:29   Paul enjoined the Christians in Ephesus to have a gentle spirit.  Eph.4:2  Paul uses himself and his companions as examples of gentleness.  1 Thess.2:7  A gentle and quiet spirit is of great value to God.  1 Pet.3:4

A part of kindness is being tender-hearted.  Eph.4:32   Can we feel with another person.  Compassion for others is important.  This means so much to us when another person can come beside us with understanding.  Rom.12:15  

Kindness or gentleness is an important temperament.  Just previous to our text (Gal.5:22,23) Paul lists many sins of the world or of the flesh.  These things are in opposition to the Spirit.  As Christians, we live with the Spirit inside us.  We want to walk by the Spirit.  Gal.5:25   If we are walking by the Spirit, our temperament will be kind and gentle. 

We can stand firm –not for self but for the Truth—and still be gentle.  Too often we want to stand firm for our own ideas and desires.  This only causes conflict within ourselves and with others.  In 2 Corinthians Paul explains that he and his companions are working together with the Lord in many situations and urges them to do likewise.  In our attitudes and temperaments we can discredit the church and our Lord.  2 Cor.6:3   Kindness is one area that Paul mentions in 2 Cor.6:6.

Kindness is not only shown to our brothers in Christ but also to those who oppose us as Christians.  Any  temperament other than kindness, gentleness, politeness will not cause those in conflict to listen to the Truth.  The commentator, Barnes, gives this description:  mildness of temper, calmness of spirit, unruffled disposition, a disposition to treat all with refinement and politeness.  This is the effect of the Spirit on our heart if we are truly walking in the Spirit.  Since we now belong to Christ, those sinful passions that erode our dispositions have been crucified.  Gal.5:24

Job realized the lovingkindness of God in spite of all the hardships brought upon him.  Job 10:12   David recognized the lovingkindness of God in Ps.18:50.  Solomon in his wisdom recognized that kindness not only benefits others but it benefits the giver of kindness.  Prov.11:17   Jeremiah describes God’s lovingkindness as he quotes God in Jer.9:24.  Take note that as we attempt to grow in godliness, God is pleased as we exercise lovingkindness. 

Let us return to our original question:  How do we cause others to feel?  Our attitude, our demeanor, and our speech should show kindness and gentleness with love.  Prov.12:25

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