What a joy to have peace! And yet there is no peace without sincere love. Love, joy, and peace are all in this lovely bowl of fruit that comes from the Holy Spirit which indwells in us as we become a Christian.
So what is peace? Probably the first thought is that peace is the lack of conflict, which is true. In the O.T. (Hebrew) it meant prosperity, well-being, completeness, safety. In a spiritual sense it indicated a peace with God. Peace with God is indicated in the N.T. as well.
David indicates peace with God for the godly ones—His people. Ps.85:8 God will keep those who trust in Him and are of a steadfast mind in peace. Isa.26:3 God is the giver of peace. 1 Kgs.2:33 Righteousness is connected with peace. Isa.32:17
Consider outer peace verses inner peace. Conflict may be rampant around a person and yet in Christ, an inner peace may prevail whereas on the inside turmoil can be raging but on the outside all is calm. A Christian needs both—inner peace and the ability to remain peaceful amid turmoil on the outside. Phil.4:6
We serve a God of peace and Christ as the Prince of Peace. Isa.9:6 The God of peace will be with us of we live a life of obedience. Phil.4:9 As Paul was exhorting the church in Corinth to avoid confusion hi their assembly, he stressed the fact that God is a God of peace. 1 Cor.l4:33
Peace is a precious gift from our Savior. Fear and trouble are not conducive to peace. These things are of the world but Jesus gives a peace without fear or trouble. Jhn.l4:27 In Christ we can have real peace. Jhn.l6:33
The root of our peace comes from our peace with God. We are reconciled to God through the blood of Christ. Our hostility with God, because of sin, is removed. Col.l:20 Our salvation is made possible because of His death and then life. Rom.5:10
Peace does not come freely. It is not automatic. We are given words to move us forward with peace—follow peace. Rom.l4:19 Do situations appear in life that would not make peace? Paul tells Timothy to flee things that don't make peace and pursue peace along with those of like desire. 2 Tim.2:22 It is easy to be at peace with a peaceful man but not all are peaceful. We still follow peace. Rom. 12:18 If they refuse peace, it must not be our fault. We still owe them forgiveness and kindness.
We must choose peace. Let (we may or may not) the peace of God rule. Col.3:15 There are times it is work to have peace but we are to be diligent hi finding peace. Peace will preserve unity. Eph.4:3; 2 Pet.3:14
God desires peace so if we are found in peace we will be called His son. We will have deep inner joy in our heart if we will do what is necessary to make peace. Matt.5:9 However, making peace does not mean compromise. We must stand firm in the faith as is exhorted in 1 Cor.l6:13. So much false teaching is around us as it was in the days of old. 2 Cor.lO:5 Paul told Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. 1 Tim.6:12 We have been given an armor with which to do that. Eph.6:10,11 The only offensive part of the armor was the sword—the Word of God and the Word will take care of the offensive part of the battle against false teaching. Remember, the battle is not against us personally but against our Lord and His Word for which we stand.
Our next question would be, how can we achieve this peace? Peace comes to those who walk in their new life in Christ. Gal.6:14-16 We love the law of God. Ps.ll9:165 As we study it we gain knowledge of our Lord and peace is multiplied to us. 2 Pet. 1:2 As we gain knowledge, we are moved to obey and follow. lsa.48:18 Then we are justified or made right in God's sight through our faith in Christ. Consequently, we have peace with God. Rom.5:1 As we have peace with God, our minds are set on things of the spirit and then we have life and peace. Rom. :8:6
Christ brought peace among men with whom God is well-pleased. Lk.2:14 That peace of God which brings an inner peace and guards our hearts and minds is beyond understanding, not only to the world but also to us who believe. It is amazing the peace that is brought to us through Jesus. Phil.4:7
What joy and comfort we can find in the peace promised in 2 Cor.l3:ll!
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