Matt.5:4 Those that mourn have a deep joy of the soul for they are blessed. In the former beatitude those realize they are destitute in spirit and have great need of the Lord and His mercy. Realizing our great need makes us humble before God and man.
It may seem strange that mourning would be blessed and yet that is exactly what the second beatitude says. We mourn when we are separated from our loved ones. How much more should we mourn when we are separated from our God. This is what sin does. It separates us from God. Isa.59:2 Sin is transgression of the law. 1 Jhn.3:4
Our obedience to our Lord shows Him and the world that we love Him and know Him. We abide in Him. 1 Jhn.2:3 If we are separated, then He may not answer us. 1 Jhn.3:22 We loose our ability to overcome when we are separated from God. 1 Jhn.4:4; 1Cor.15:57
Before we became a Christian we realized our need of a Savior. Mourning took place as we repented of our sins. Perhaps tears flowed. We no longer wanted to be separated from God so we took the steps needed to become a Christian as the first Christians did in Acts 2:38. What joy developed in our heart as we received forgiveness of those sins. We were no longer separated from God but instead, we were given the gift of the Holy Spirit indwelling in our lives.
Do we remember that mourning? Do we still mourn when we do or say things that do not please our Lord. The spiritual mourning is not just for one time. If we love someone, we do not want to hurt them. How deeply do we love Jesus? As we study His Word, are we willing to change as we recognize those things in our life that cause His displeasure. This must be a daily examination with mourning and repentance.
Several examples of various kinds of mourning for sin can be found in the Scripture. Cain is our first example. God was not happy with Cain’s sacrifice and Cain was angry. God’s answer is found in Gen.4:7. Cain’s response was killing his brother, Abel. Rather than repenting he became angry, jealous, and murdered. He was separated. Gen.4:13,14
It seems that Ahab was sorry he had been caught. He had caused Naboth to be killed and then had possessed his vineyard. 1 Kgs.21:20 He had all the outward signs of mourning. It was for his punishment. Then God reversed the punishment and laid it upon his sons; however, Ahab listened to false prophets and was killed. Too often the mourning is because of being caught in sin. We need to mourn because we have failed our Savior.
David mourned in a different way. His sin was ever before him. Ps.51:3,4 David acknowledges his sin and remembered. He goes further than that. He pleads for forgiveness. Ps.51:1,2 Such spiritual joy is experienced when sins are forgiven. Ps.32:1,2 Then David wants to be renewed. Ps.51:10 He has sensed that his sin took him away from God and he wants to return. Ps.51:11,12
Paul was another one who realized his sin, repented, became a Christian, and then served God the rest of his life. As he looked back, he felt he was the worst of sinners and not fit to be called an apostle. 1 Cor.15:9
So as we acknowledge our sin and mourn in repentance, we, too, want to be renewed in our hearts. First, we must turn our minds away from things of the world. Rom.13:14 As long as we keep thinking and wishing for worldly things, our hearts cannot be renewed. Col.1:21 As we cast off those worldly thoughts and desires, we can be renewed through Christ Jesus. Col.1:22 The renewal is not just the casting off. We have to put on the right things. Col.3:10
Our spiritual mourning turns to great comfort as we are brought back in right relationship with God. 2 Thess.2:16,17 Think of everlasting comfort. Consolation and encouragement are other words used for the Greek word, “comfort.” Heb.6:18,19 This everlasting comfort and strong consolation that we have in hope as an anchor of the soul gives us deep spiritual joy that is our blessedness.
God is a God of comfort. 2 Cor.1:3 As He comforts us, so we in turn comfort others in their need. 2 Cor.1:4 As Christians we do not live just for ourselves. Life in Christ is sharing with one another. We share materially. We share joys and sorrows and in this beatitude, we share comfort.
Ps.94:19 When our hearts are heavy, it is of great comfort to know that God cares. God is above all and yet when we bow before him in humility and repentance, he listens and revives our hearts. Isa.57:15 A great contrast is given as comfort is given to those who mourn. Isa.61:2,3
As we come to a time of mourning, whether it be spiritual or earthly, let us take heart and know that our comfort will come from God and our brothers and sisters in Christ. May our mourning become a time of rejoicing in our God of comfort. The world longs for this but do not possess it. Col.2:2,3
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