Again we look at an attribute of the heart but one that shows outwardly – steadfastness. David knew he had sinned and in his repentance he prayed that God would renew a steadfast spirit within him. Ps.51:10 So what is steadfast and do we need that? Steadfast is unwavering, immovable, committed, and dedicated. This would certainly be an important attribute of a Christian. Prov.11:19
Steadfast describes our Lord.. Heb.13:8 In describing Jesus, the writer of Hebrews summarizes His work and ends with You are the same and Your years will not come to an end. Heb.1:10-12 (Ps.102:27) Our Lord is steadfast and will not change.
The O.T. provides examples of steadfastness, as well. Ruth was a beautiful example of this attribute as she set her mind to go with Naomi, her mother-in-law. Ruth 1:18 She could not be persuaded to do otherwise. Her strong determination is stated in Ruth 1:16,17
Steadfastness is shown in the case of the Rechabites. They were told to do things against the teaching of Jonadab. They refused to go against what they had been taught. They remained steadfast in this decision. Jer.35:8-10 God rewarded them for their steadfastness. Jer.35:18,19
Daniel was a faithful man of God that remained steadfast throughout all his life from the time of a young man until he became old. One of the first times was when he refused the dainties of the king’s table. Dan.1:8 He showed himself to be of great strength in body and spirit because of his decision. Later in life Daniel remained steadfast in his prayer life in spite of disobeying the king. God saved Him in a great way. Dan.6:22 His resolve caused God to be glorified. Dan.6:26,27
During the lifetime of Jesus he said many times that His hour was not yet come. However, when that time had come, even though it meant His death eventually, he steadfastly set His face toward Jerusalem . Lk.9:51
When we become a Christian, just how committed are we to remain steadfast in our Christian walk. The beginning of the Christian walk may be with enthusiasm to follow Jesus all the way. Yet that enthusiasm often fades. We are to hold fast to the confidence we have in Christ who is our hope firm until the end. This is steadfastness. Heb.3:5,14
Paul rejoiced in the Colossians in that they remained stable in the faith even though he had not been with them. Col.2:5 Epaphras had taught them well and they had accepted it. Now it was bearing fruit in their lives. Col.1:6 This was constant since the day they heard and accepted the gospel.
A Christian who has stability is solid in Christ-like attitudes and actions. He is not blown about by every wind of doctrine. Eph.4:14 Even though the doctrine does not follow the Truth of the Scriptures, some think the people are so nice. They become our friends and so we go with them. We cannot follow every “nice” person. We are to follow Christ and the Truth. We need stability or steadfastness in our faith.
Peter warns against those that distort the Scriptures. We have to be on guard lest we are carried away by false teaching which makes us fall from our steadfastness. 2 Pet.3:17,18
It would be better to grow in knowledge of Truth and follow our Lord. Peter gives another warning in 1 Pet.5:8,9. It is necessary to stay firm in our faith. Friendship becomes a strong factor in moving away from our faith. Jam.4:4 Who do we confide in the most and with whom do we spend the most time? Do our friends help us grow in Spirit and Truth? These questions should cause us to seriously consider if we are being led away from our steadfastness by friendship with the world.
Whether it is friends that are not Christians or other entanglements with the world, we can be conquerors through Christ. Rom.8:37 Paul uses sports as an example. Just as one who competes must discipline his body, so we must use self-control to remain steadfast to the end to have that eternal wreath. 1 Cor.9:25
The author of Hebrews also uses the idea of a race. Did you ever attend a track meet where a runner just stopped or changed course? This is what some Christians do. They begin well. Then they stop or change course because of entanglements with the world. A race requires endurance and fixing the eyes upon the goal. Heb.12:1,2 Jesus is our example. During a race, a person sweats and gets tired but they keep going. What joy there is at the end when the goal is attained.
We need to say with Paul, “Press on.” Phil.3:14 We have not yet arrived but we keep getting closer. Only God can see when that goal will come. Ps.31:15 However, we press on and remain steadfast to the end. Col.1:23
What keeps a boat secure? An anchor. Our hope is our anchor. Heb.6:19 This anchor of hope will keep us steadfast and we will then have the promise that those of Laodicea had in Rev.3:21 We must be overcomers. Then we can sing with David. Ps.57:7
Steadfastness requires effort but what a glorious reward in the end. 1 Cor.15:58
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