Sunday, December 26, 2010



Everybody has decisions to make in their lives.  Some are important, major decisions.  Others are minor decisions and some of our decisions are what we might call mundane decision—decisions that are routine.  We fret and worry over many of these major decisions that could well affect the remainder of our life.  Although the final decision is one that we eventually have to make on our own, yet we need advice and guidance in order to make these decisions wisely.  Although our age would make a difference with the questions we have to decide, the process is very similar.  If we were eighteen years old, it would be most unusual for us to be thinking of a decision to go to a nursing home or assisted living or other options.  However, if we were eighty years of age, we would probably not be considering what college to attend, what profession to enter, or whom to marry. 

The most important decision of our life is whether to follow Jesus and become a Christian and remain faithful our entire life or not.  This important decision will affect and even control many of the remaining decisions of our life.  Let’s consider Matt.16:26.  Some decisions may well take us from the Lord.  No success in financial gain, position advancement, social status, or friendships acquired would be worth loosing our soul.  To even think of tampering with these thoughts briefly might set up a temptation that would please Satan but would endanger our eternity.  Matt.26:41; Lk.21:36

Each decision made, whether major, minor, or mundane, must be made as to pleasing our Lord and being a glory to Him.  Joshua entreated the Israelites to be careful to do according to all the law. Josh.1:7   Jesus nailed that law to the cross Col.2:14   Now we must follow all the teachings given to us in the N.T.  ; Jhn.3:36; 1 Jhn.2:3  

The Scripture often speaks of the glory of God.  This is both external and internal.  His majesty is beyond our human comprehension.  So when we are to be a glory to God, just what does that mean?  Our lives must show worthiness, righteousness, excellence, and even wisdom through Christ Jesus our Lord.  1 Cor.1:31  These traits will shine in our lives as we make decisions.  Acts 4:13   Not that we have physically been with Jesus as the apostles had, but our lives show that we follow Him and belong to Him.

As Paul explains to the Corinthians, we are not our own; therefore we must glorify God in our body.  1 Cor.6:20   This involves our attitudes, our speech, and our deeds.  We must show excellence and wisdom through Christ to glorify God. 

What is our appearance?  Do we look just like the world?  It isn’t that we have to look odd, but just how decorated are we?  How much skin do we allow the world to see?  Are we dressing for God or for the world?  Be honest with yourself.  1 Tim.2:9,10   We really hang on to the ways of the world.  God called the Israelites a stiff-necked people and to show their humility, they had to remove all of their ornaments.  Ex.33:4-6  This isn’t a discussion of the pros and cons of ornaments but when we look at our appearance, it does have to be humble, modest, and give glory to God.  We can’t look like a walking Christmas tree.  Some in the world do.

Our speech has to be to God’s glory.  It must be honorable and in truth.  Matt.12:36   If we are a glory to God, we cannot be talebearers.  Eph.4:29   Our speech tells a lot about us.  The world is not only looking, they are listening.  We must not be ashamed to speak up for Jesus.  Matt.10:32,33

Not only are we a glory to God in our appearance and speech but also in our attitudes and deeds.  We can bring dishonor to God and Christ’s church if we do not follow Christ and the example He set for us.  Satan and the world look for ways in which we dishonor God.  It is victory for them.  Rather, victory is in Christ Jesus.  1 Cor.15:57   Any righteousness we have comes from our Lord.  2 Cor.5:21  

We honor God and glorify Him when we have sincere love for one another.  Jhn.13:35   Anyone who does not do what is right is not a glory or honor to our Lord.  1 Jhn.3:10   Jesus prayed for us to be as one as He and the Father are one.  This would be a complete, perfect unity.  Jhn.17:21  What a picture that would be to the world and what honor and glory that would bring to His name.  We do not realize the power within us through the Holy Spirit with which glory can be brought to Christ and His church.  Eph.3:20,21

We, as Christians, are the church, the body of Christ.  The church is to be presented to Christ at the end of this world.  Christ wants a glorious church.  He wants the church to be presented in all her glory.  What does that mean?  Spotless and without wrinkle.  She is to be holy and blameless.  Eph.5:27   That’s us!   We can be that only through Christ.  It is something for which we must strive.  Rom.12:1

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