Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The time for a major or even minor decision is coming.  Anxiety has set in.  Phil.4:6,7   We have given our lives to the Lord (or have we kept a section for ourselves?). We have studied His Word and have spent time in prayer about the matter.  We may yet remain unsure as to the direction we should go.  Scripture answers our dilemma with command, example, and principle.

We need to seek counsel.  This is addressed in Scripture with several words in addition to counsel.  The word “advice” and “admonish” is also used.  Do we like to ask for help?  This is sometimes humiliating.  We would rather think we are capable of doing everything for ourselves.  Prov.13:10   The fact is –we need help Prov.27:17   Sometimes it is wise to receive advice from several.  Prov.24:6   If we receive counsel from several and each is different, we do some hard thinking; however, if they speak the same, we strongly consider their advice. 

Occasionally advice will be completely opposite.  An example of this is found in an incident given in 2 Chron.18:4,7   The king had opportunity to receive godly instruction but he hated the prophet that was to give it.  He gave advice that the king didn’t like.  How often do we do that?  We hunt for counsel that will agree with what inwardly we want to do.  We don’t really want counsel.  We want agreement.

Our choice of counselors is of utmost importance.  As Christians, we don’t follow the ways of the world but of the Lord.  Our counselors must be biblical.  Job 12:13   Jeremiah was a prophet of God.  His advice could be trusted.  Jer.38:20

Problems sometimes arise when our counsel is not requested.  An example can be found in Ex.18:19   Moses’ father-in-law could see that Moses had more to do than was possible.  Jethro gave him good advice which Moses implemented when he realized the wisdom of the advice.

Other examples give us council that is in reproof although not requested.  The temptation would be to become angry or defensive to the giver of such counsel.  We might even become antagonistic.  Prov.25,11,12   We cannot see ourselves and it is a true friend that will give us gentle, kind reproof when we need it.  1 Thess.5:12

Paul points out his reproof of Peter when he came to Antioch.  Gal.2:11,12   Another example is Rehoboam who rejected the advice of the elders and took the advice of the young men.  1 Kgs.12:13,14  

Peter accepted the reproof of Paul but Rehoboam took the wrong counsel.  He accepted what suited self.  We need to be careful of the counsel we seek.  To whom do we go?  Ps.1:1,2   Even though God is always near, we are required to be close to Him to be heard.  Prov.1:28,30   When we realize our weakness in wisdom, it helps us seek wise wisdom from those who know God.  Prov.12:5

Listening to bad counsel cost shipwreck to the ship Paul was in when sailing to Rome.  Paul had warned them. Acts 27:10   The pilot and the owner of the ship advised the centurion to sail on.  Acts 27:11   As they shipwrecked, Paul’s advice proved to be wise.  Acts 27:21,41  We can shipwreck our lives by accepting the wrong counsel.

At times we do not seek nor want counsel.  Prov.15:22; Prov.11:14   Both of these Scriptures indicate, not one, but several counselors are sometimes needed.  Zedekiah seeks good advice from Jeremiah but listen to Jeremiah’s response.  Jer.38:14,15 

It isn’t enough to seek good advice, we must listen to it.  Prov.12:15   Wise counsel is important to seek but what good would it be to us if we do not carefully listen and sincerely consider it.  Prov.19:20,21

As we weigh all of these facets in deciding, we come to the point when we must make the decision ourselves.  First, we want to live our lives as a glory and honor to God, secondly, we have studied His Word to learn of His will, prayer has constantly been a source of imploring God for wisdom and understanding through the Holy Spirit, and now we have sought biblical sources of counseling in plural to help us see what maybe we have been unable to determine.  Now is the hour—the time of decision.

Remember the pleading of the Christians and Agabus with Paul to not go to Jerusalem.  Paul’s decision is given in Acts 21:13,14   Paul understood the danger he faced but he was ready for whatever came for the Lord.  As we weigh our decisions, this is where we must be.  What can I do for my Lord. 

Some last minute suggestion might be appropriate.
  • The greater the decision, the greater in number of counselors as well as the greater time in study and prayer.
  • Seek counsel from those that might agree but also with those that might disagree with you.  That way you can see both sides of the dilemma.
  • Counsel with Christians but also those who know you well.  They will be able to determine your gifts, personality, and interests in correspondence to the decision.
  • For an extremely important decision, choose a professional Christian counselor.
  • Your decision needs to really fit you as a child of God and not mold you into a job or place where you would not be suited even though you want to follow the will of God.  All of us are not fitted for the same situation or place.

So whatever we decide—Col.3:17

Tuesday, December 28, 2010



In retrospect, our desire is to live our lives to the glory of God and to bring honor to His name and His church.  We want to please the One who gives us everything and in particular—salvation.  Secondly, in order to learn how to please our Lord, we go to our instruction book, the Word of God.  Our hearts are filled with joy and encouragement as we study its pages and search for its Truths.  Our knowledge is filled in three ways as we search the Scriptures:  COMMAND, EXAMPLE, PRINCIPAL.

The third element in our guidance to help in our decisions is prayer.  God has spoken to us through His Word and now we desperately need to speak to Him in prayer.  We can know, but to do is very often difficult.  We need help.  Jam.1:5   When we fall physically, we call out for help and hope someone hears us and will come to our rescue.  God is always there when we call to Him for help.  Ps.46:1; Heb.4:16

In our study of prayer, we have found some stipulations.  Prov.15:29   Our preceding considerations are important.  We are attempting to sincerely glorify God in our words, actions, and attitudes and are studying His Word to increase our knowledge of accomplishing these things.  We must believe that God will answer us.  Jam.1:6,7

As we pray, we must realize that God has the final answer.  We pray that His will be done as Jesus prayed in the Garden.  Matt.26:39   As we make decisions it is so important that we are not praying that God will see to it that my will is done.  Too often this happens.  We see a solution that seems right so we pray for our solution to materialize.  God sees far beyond our sight.  Isa.55:8  

Numerous instances in the Scripture show the power that God has to answer prayer.  One example is Hannah praying for a son.  1 Sam.1:11,27   It seemed that the Israelites were doomed; however, Elisha’s prayer was answered and God won the battle for them.  This is found in 2 Kgs.6:17.  Hezekiah was faced with a very large problem.  2 Kgs.19:14,19   God heard and answered his prayer.  2 Kgs.19:20,34   Many other examples could be given.  God hears.  God is powerful and all-wise.  God is our shield and He answers – when we call on Him.  This is necessary.

At times, although our prayer may be to know God’s will, it should be to have the will to do God’s will.  So often, inwardly, we know.  God’s will may be opposed to our will.  How often do people follow their own answer only to be caught up in sin or failure.  In Josh.9:14 no prayer for guidance preceded an agreement.  Deceit was found in just a few days. 

Do we spend time daily in asking God for wisdom and guidance in decisions whether big or small.  It might not make a difference if we choose blue or green to wear; however, if we are shopping, the difference in quality and price might make the decision a bit more important.  We can pray for God to help us control our spending, our eating, and all of the other choices we make daily, even though the choices may be mundane.

We miss a great privilege and help when we don’t take the opportunity to pray.  Some trust themselves and do not feel the need of help from God.  Ps.10:4   Although we rely on God in prayer, we cannot assume that we are free from work and thought.  Neh.4:9   God knows what we need but we need to humble ourselves before Him and ask.  Matt.6:8   In our weakness we do not always know how to ask.  A Helper is provided for us.  Rom.8:26   Our lives seek to follow His will and our prayers must do the same with a willingness to follow God’s will.  1 Jhn.5:14 

As we pray for God to show us the way of His will for us, let us be introspective in a very sincere way.  Are we praying for something that will allow us to go or to have or maybe to do the thing that would fulfill a personal desire.   Jam.4:3   This type of prayer would not cultivate righteousness nor would it grow spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  This is where our mind must be to make a decision of earthly importance in a spiritual way.  Where we live, what we do decisions are of this world but they have spiritual consequences.

When we have major decisions to make, our tendency is to become very frustrated and anxious.  Phil.4:6,7   We know in our heads that God will be with us.  Ps.46:1   However, in our heart our faith becomes weak.  It seems to us that we pray and pray and yet the answer for guidance in our decision does not come.  Lk.18:1   Jesus tell us to not give up.  Peter reminds us, as well.  1 Pet.5:7   God knows the proper way and time to answer.  He may be building our faith as we wait for the Lord.  Ps.27:14; Ps.38:15   We need the mind of David.  Even in his faith, he kept crying out to the Lord.  Don’t stop!  Jam.5:16

In summary so far, give ourselves to our Lord; be willing to do His will (Heb.13:21); seek knowledge and understanding through His Word (2 Tim.3:16,17); and pray without ceasing (1 Thess.5:17).  In order to obtain guidance in decisions, our goal need to concentrate on 1 Jhn.3:22.

Monday, December 27, 2010



This lesson assumes that we have taken Christ as our Savior and want to live a life that will be a glory to Him.  How often do we say, “if God wills”.  Do we really mean it when we say it?  And then, what does this statement actually mean?  If we are living our lives to please our Lord, then whatever He wills or wants from us or wants us to do or perhaps tells us to give up—that is our purpose.

God’s will is of supreme importance.  Jam.4:15-17   Those words are so easy to say and many times glibly fall from our lips.  So often we know what God wants, then we don’t do it.  People sometimes say, “I’ll be in church if the Lord wills”.  Do we suppose that He doesn’t want us there?

It is necessary that we understand what the will of the Lord would be in periods of decision.  Eph.5:15-17   As followers of Christ, we have an energizing power that will help us in understanding God’s will as we determine our decisions.  Phil.2:13   God works in us through the Holy Spirit to will His will.  He helps us act or decide what to do according to the good purpose He has for us. 

Jer.31:33   God made us.  He loves us.  He wouldn’t just leave us hanging in midair as we wonder what He would want us to do.  “When you don’t know, read the instruction book”.  How obvious is that!  God has given us His inspired Word to guide us.  This is our instruction book with all we need.  2 Tim.3:16,17   We can be assured that God’s Word will equip us with everything we need to live a life pleasing in His sight.  Heb.13.21  

Even though we live in the Christian dispensation, we can be so inspired by the wise words contained in the O.T. as they realized the need to follow the will of God.  As the ark was brought into the temple upon completion, Solomon spoke to the people.  Some of his words apply to us today.  1 Kgs.8:58   We need to be sure our hearts are turned to God and His Word.  Ps.119:36  

Jesus quotes from the O.T. that we are taught by God.  Jhn.6:45   Over and over we find David giving his desire to follow God and His Word.  Ps.119:11   David was guided in his choices by God’s Word.  That was the light that lit his path.  Ps.119:105   Jesus also mentions the Word as the Light by which we are guided.  Jhn.3:21

Sometimes God has desires for us but leaves us the choice.  He has not made us puppets.  He has given us minds with which to think and reason.  1 Thess.4:3   God wants us to be set apart from the things of the world; however, the choice is ours.  We can either follow God’s will or our own will. 

There have been times when God’s will was carried out in full, regardless of human will.  Acts 2:23   The plan of God was that His Son would be offered for our sins.  That was the only way we could be reconciled to Him so He willed it that way.  Matt.26:39

Many of our choices are spelled out specifically in Scripture.  Should I become a Christian?  God wants all men to be saved.  This is a definite will of God.  1 Tim.2:3,4   Is it necessary that we forgive everyone?  “This is answered in Matt.6:14,15   Not much choice when we realize that our forgiveness is dependent on the manner in which we forgive others.  Love is an important command.  1 Jhn.4:7,8   Many more commands involve specifics of either do or don’t that have consequences according to our choice.

Some choices are very complicated and a specific answer is not given in the Bible.  However, moral principles and Biblical principles must be followed as would be within God’s will.  As women, modest clothing has been addressed.  Being modest is a principle but we must choose wisely to keep within God’s will.  1 Pet.3:3,4   We have mundane choices:  do I wear blue or green today?  As long as we are modest, God has no will for us in this matter.  Modesty involves elaborateness and amount of skin revealed, as well as over-spending within our means.  Also it includes why and for whom are we dressing?  Do we want to please men or God?  Gal.1:10

Our relationships with people can increase or destroy our faith.  We cannot be friends with the world.  Jam.4:4   Scripture does not tell us not to have Fred or Ollie as a friend.  We must follow the principle set forth by God’s Word and make that decision. 
2 Cor.6:14

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  1 Cor.6:19,20   We can destroy our bodies in many ways.  This is an important principle; however, the ways involved change with time and culture.  The principle remains.  Presently, it involves alcohol, nicotine, drugs, over-eating among other things.

Stewardship is taught.  A steward is a manager.  We have been given so many things as children of God.  We have to make that choice of how this is done in each of our individual lives.  Our choice must follow the principles set forth in Scripture.  This involves our finances, talents, abilities, methods of service to others, and even our time.  Jesus gave parables about stewardship that can be applied to our lives.  Lk.12:42,43   As we have been given, so we must give.  1 Pet.4:10

Idolatry was a problem in Bible times.  Today, idolatry is defined in a different way.  It can be anything that is worshipped with time, money, effort that takes the place of the Lord.  The Lord is set aside to be replaced with other interests.  This can happen with those that consider themselves Christians.  They attend services but only if the other interests are not compelling them to do or go otherwise.  Col.3:5   We need to flee those things that take us away from God.  These things may differ according to the individual; however, let us remember—1 Cor.10:12  

Our desire should involve being a glory to God and pleasing in His sight.  We want to honestly and sincerely do the will of God.  His will can be found in our instruction book, the Bible, in command, example, and principle.  It is up to us to determine His will by our study.  2 Tim.2:15; 1 Thess.4:1

Sunday, December 26, 2010



Everybody has decisions to make in their lives.  Some are important, major decisions.  Others are minor decisions and some of our decisions are what we might call mundane decision—decisions that are routine.  We fret and worry over many of these major decisions that could well affect the remainder of our life.  Although the final decision is one that we eventually have to make on our own, yet we need advice and guidance in order to make these decisions wisely.  Although our age would make a difference with the questions we have to decide, the process is very similar.  If we were eighteen years old, it would be most unusual for us to be thinking of a decision to go to a nursing home or assisted living or other options.  However, if we were eighty years of age, we would probably not be considering what college to attend, what profession to enter, or whom to marry. 

The most important decision of our life is whether to follow Jesus and become a Christian and remain faithful our entire life or not.  This important decision will affect and even control many of the remaining decisions of our life.  Let’s consider Matt.16:26.  Some decisions may well take us from the Lord.  No success in financial gain, position advancement, social status, or friendships acquired would be worth loosing our soul.  To even think of tampering with these thoughts briefly might set up a temptation that would please Satan but would endanger our eternity.  Matt.26:41; Lk.21:36

Each decision made, whether major, minor, or mundane, must be made as to pleasing our Lord and being a glory to Him.  Joshua entreated the Israelites to be careful to do according to all the law. Josh.1:7   Jesus nailed that law to the cross Col.2:14   Now we must follow all the teachings given to us in the N.T.  ; Jhn.3:36; 1 Jhn.2:3  

The Scripture often speaks of the glory of God.  This is both external and internal.  His majesty is beyond our human comprehension.  So when we are to be a glory to God, just what does that mean?  Our lives must show worthiness, righteousness, excellence, and even wisdom through Christ Jesus our Lord.  1 Cor.1:31  These traits will shine in our lives as we make decisions.  Acts 4:13   Not that we have physically been with Jesus as the apostles had, but our lives show that we follow Him and belong to Him.

As Paul explains to the Corinthians, we are not our own; therefore we must glorify God in our body.  1 Cor.6:20   This involves our attitudes, our speech, and our deeds.  We must show excellence and wisdom through Christ to glorify God. 

What is our appearance?  Do we look just like the world?  It isn’t that we have to look odd, but just how decorated are we?  How much skin do we allow the world to see?  Are we dressing for God or for the world?  Be honest with yourself.  1 Tim.2:9,10   We really hang on to the ways of the world.  God called the Israelites a stiff-necked people and to show their humility, they had to remove all of their ornaments.  Ex.33:4-6  This isn’t a discussion of the pros and cons of ornaments but when we look at our appearance, it does have to be humble, modest, and give glory to God.  We can’t look like a walking Christmas tree.  Some in the world do.

Our speech has to be to God’s glory.  It must be honorable and in truth.  Matt.12:36   If we are a glory to God, we cannot be talebearers.  Eph.4:29   Our speech tells a lot about us.  The world is not only looking, they are listening.  We must not be ashamed to speak up for Jesus.  Matt.10:32,33

Not only are we a glory to God in our appearance and speech but also in our attitudes and deeds.  We can bring dishonor to God and Christ’s church if we do not follow Christ and the example He set for us.  Satan and the world look for ways in which we dishonor God.  It is victory for them.  Rather, victory is in Christ Jesus.  1 Cor.15:57   Any righteousness we have comes from our Lord.  2 Cor.5:21  

We honor God and glorify Him when we have sincere love for one another.  Jhn.13:35   Anyone who does not do what is right is not a glory or honor to our Lord.  1 Jhn.3:10   Jesus prayed for us to be as one as He and the Father are one.  This would be a complete, perfect unity.  Jhn.17:21  What a picture that would be to the world and what honor and glory that would bring to His name.  We do not realize the power within us through the Holy Spirit with which glory can be brought to Christ and His church.  Eph.3:20,21

We, as Christians, are the church, the body of Christ.  The church is to be presented to Christ at the end of this world.  Christ wants a glorious church.  He wants the church to be presented in all her glory.  What does that mean?  Spotless and without wrinkle.  She is to be holy and blameless.  Eph.5:27   That’s us!   We can be that only through Christ.  It is something for which we must strive.  Rom.12:1